I was a pupil at Marshland School and this blog is where I shared my learning. This blog has been archived, no further content will be uploaded or added. You are welcome to continue viewing posts, however commenting has been disabled.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
The Uniqueness of NZ
Friday, October 16, 2020
Usefulish movie script
Hey Bloggers, this term for literacy, we're going to be making a short movie. But to make a movie, we need to write something called a script, a script contains all the information of the film so writing your characters, moral, IPARC and writing each situation and adding Int (interior, meaning voice, or something important to list down), Ext (Exterior, meaning the scene and something that you could phisically see). My movie will animated and it's a story of the people on Earth saving Hummanity (Ying Yang) from being fully destroyed by the army of Xenomorphs, it shows that the Ying Yang is what makes life meaningful.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Surely Sign language
Hey bloggers, today we've been learning sign language, because it is sign language week. We've been playing this game called "Sign Ninja" where we have to watch different videos to answer different questions. But you need to learn to know the answers for each question, if you get one question wrong, you'll have to redo all the questions, which is quite annoying. You have to earn "sacks" to feed the monster like food, blocking you from the next door. On top is the video of me introducing myself. I hope you enjoy learning sign language.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Fast and insane rocket (not really insane)
Hey bloggers, this week we've did our final launch for our rockets, many teams participated in this compitition for the top three furtherest ones. Our group is called MASA (not named by me) with Taine, Daimien, Cameron, Jordan, kayden, Billie and me. Our rocket on the final day of launch only went 18 metres, which was concideribly further than our previous launch, because it didn't imeadiently crash onto the ground. I like our design, because the shape of fins being aerodynamic and sleak. Overall I think our rocket is great and maybe next time use a newer and less damaged rocket. We've also have an epic trailer for you to filthily enjoy (for real!). I hope you've enjoyed our look and the practicality of our rocket.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Extravagant Genre Study
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Pristine Python
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Samoan recap
Friday, August 14, 2020
Maori Games
Hey bloggers, today we've been writing some instructions for our Maori games. We've been put in into groups that then have to write their own set of instructions, my group were Olivia F, Matilda, Tom and Valley-Rose and had to do Pukana. The teachers had also made it more interesting by making our own video to demostrate the actual game and turning the video link to a QR code, which is really facinating! Make sure to scan the QR code properly and it should pop up with our video with us doing a voice over to explain the rules. I hope you really find this interesting and actually watch the video! Tell us in the comments of the QR code doesn't work, so I can redo it.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Samoan Greetings
Monday, August 10, 2020
Almost Perfect Parachutes
Hey bloggers, this week we've been looking into thinking like an Engineer, our challenge was to build a Parachute that would take the longest to glide down two Steel Nuts, the materials are provided and from school.
I've grouped up with Damian, Taine, Cameron and Brock. Our first idea was to make 2 to 3 Parachutes, because we've thought it would increase the amount of drag and drag up more air, but it didn't work, because the smaller Parachutes (0.72 seconds).
Our Second idea was to make a Para glide reusing our previous material (fabric), because we didn't thought a lot with the materials and taped some paper towels to be more sealed, we thought it was better because it was bigger (means more sizable drag) and easy to make, unlike hot air Balloon shaped ones would be much harder, but it still didn't did well enough (roughly 1.3 seconds).
On our final idea (in the image) was to use a wide paper, because it's light, but durable, we've made sure that the ribbons were the same length and it was symmetrical, also not tangled up, I've also used some masking tape for the two Steel Nuts making sure that it doesn't tilt and move when gliding, it surprisingly went for a quite good 2.84 seconds and came 3rd out of the whole class.
I think using a paper Parachute wouldn't be that great, because it wouldn't easily open when example a rocket dropping and would require a lot of air pressure (because it was to be in some sort of compartment, I think), other than that we can improve more on our understanding for each material and somewhat know what good materials are good for some purpose.
I hope you've enjoyed our challenge in building Parachutes as a part of our Wonder Project to building our rockets. What materials are good for making Parachutes other than Plastic related bags?
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Charming Childrens Books pt2
Hey bloggers, this week we've been looking more into Childrens books and starting to write our very own stories that would have some moral and would also be entertaining for younger audiences. My Story is about a girl called Sally who gets bullied at her local Private School everyday, Sally dreams and thinks lots about things and excels at all of her subjects. But Sally finally finding it very annoying and infuriated when dealing bullies all around the school, so she began standing up for herself and walked away and told the teachers when she had the chance to. This is a story about not giving up and facing your fears in life. I hope you enjoyed my story(haven't fully completed yet).
Friday, August 7, 2020
Perfect Percentages

Friday, July 31, 2020
Charming Childrens books
So Much Mathematical Terminology
Friday, July 24, 2020
NASA and the Moon
Film Noir (just Black Film in French, so fancy. :-)
Hey bloggers, this week for literacy, we've been looking into a interesting Genre called Film Noir, it is a Genre that originated in France, mainly about tragedy and negativity. Film Noir is also commonly more shadows and lighting are very important, there's also three angled lightings and how the films really work with lights, like blurring, wide lights, In front of the slide is the two comparisons for each film, explaining their films, similarities and differences. We've also been starting to write our own story's by using the Film Noir, my story is about a family where their Dad is famous for his intellegence in inventing medicines, but there are some people who are lurching around to poison him, but when their Dad was poisoned and was burryed to the ground, their family also got private investigators to find who the suspect was, later on the story, a Zombie had appeared beside the beach when Kelly and her friends went to a exclusive beach party. I hope you've enjoyed the slide and learnt about the Genre. Did you find it interesting learning about this Genre? Did you liked my story?
Magical Square
Friday, July 3, 2020
Aurora Australis
Friday, June 26, 2020
A Matariki Ebook
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Checking in on the Birds :/
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Great and Important Genre
Friday, June 19, 2020
Hell of Horror
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Awesome ASCII & Binary
Hey Bloggers, today we are learning about Binary and ASCII.
Binary is a number system that uses 1’s and 0’s to represent all of our normal set of numbers. You can use the place values as multiples of 2 to work out how to do it for yourself! Try watching this video to give it a go yourself!
ASCII is set of encoded symbols that a computer uses to turn Binary into letters and other symbols from the English language (like what is on our keyboard). I turned my initials into binary numbers, and then turned those binary numbers into an ASCII code! Using colours to represent the 1’s and 0’s, my initials in ASCII can be represented by the pattern you see in my image above!
Now you've known Binary and ASCII, you can make your very own one, also using beads or on paper. I also recommend to show your friends and family how to make their own initials with the things that you've learnt! If interested more, there are lots of fun stuff like coding you could do like Kaggle, Silent Teacher and Little Dot Adventure, to get into solving codings.
Can you find more things about Binary or ASCII? Do you think the image shown above is correct or not? Did you try it yourself? If did, you should post about it. :)
Thursday, June 11, 2020
The battle of education

The Problem with racism
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Samoan Tapa cloth
Friday, June 5, 2020
Kool Koru
Click here to get onto my Abobe Spark video
Hey bloggers, today we've been making an Adobe Spark presentation, where we use a different way of presenting rather than a boring Google Slide. You can go onto my video presentation that will explain everything about our projects that we've been making with koru's, this is my picture of my completed air dry clay necklace that I'd made at school. I hope you enjoy my video presentation that I've made. What do you think about it? What can I improve on?
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Pattern games
Hey bloggers, today we've been looking at this very cool game called 21, as it might sound quite fimilliar with you, but in this version you can take away numbers from 1 to 3 with a friend and who ever takes the lest number wins, pretty simple isn't it. it actually involves finding the different patterns that are happening, so my equation was p1+p2=4 just like I'd said in the photo, this equation also work with larger numbers, it just requires a bit of tweak. I hope you like this very cool pattern game. How was all of your games? Was it difficult?